Rapport: How to set up great HR functions: Connect, prioritize, impact

For ottende gang udgiver The Boston Consulting Group HR-rapporten Creating People Advantage på baggrund af en stor international undersøgelse. Rapporten er udarbejdet i samarbejde med the World Federation of People Management Associations. Den seneste rapport Creating People Advantage 2014-2015: ”How to set up great HR functions: Connect, prioritize, impact” præsenterer resultaterne fra undersøgelsen, som er foretaget i 101 lande.

Følgende er blandt undersøgelsens mest markante resultater:

  • HR capabilities correlates with economic performance
  • Analytics and key performance indicators give HR a seat at the table
  • KPI’s should link to strategic actions
  • Globally, the leadership and talent management topics are the ones in the most urgent need of action
  • HR departments need to be more consistent in their investment decisions
  • HR needs to listen more to internal clients

Rapporten identificerer tre kendetegn ved gode og velfungerende HR-funktioner:

  • They connect by partnering with stakeholders inside and outside of the company to improve operational and financial performance
  • They prioritize by using data-driven insights to identify and focus on the most urgent HR priorities
  • They create impact by using KPI’s and steering tools to support the organization and its strategic goals

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