Research rapport: Big Data and HR

Big Data er et fænomen som ikke kan ignoreres. Evnen til at kunne analysere store datamængder vil blive centralt for konkurrenceevnen, produktivitet og innovation.

Big Data er kort sagt det faktum, at mængden af data fordobles hvert år, og at man på baggrund af den indsigt, man opnår ved at analysere disse data, kan handle på dem for at forbedre virksomhedens resultater. IT og data har naturligvis været her i årtier. Det nye er, at den store mængde af data og effektiviteten af analytiske værktøjer er vokset så eksponentielt, at traditionelle tilgange kun ridser i overfladen af de muligheder der foreligger ved at arbejde med Big Data.

På baggrund af interviews med HR-ledere, interne HR analytics specialister, HR-teknologi leverandører, rådgivere og førende tænkere har Nick Holley, Co-Director for the Centre for HR Excellence, Henley Business School udarbejdet denne rapport, hvor du får svar på: 

  1. The power of HR analytics – threat or opportunity?
  2. What is Big Data?
  3. What are the drivers behind HR analytics?
  4. Where should data analytics sit?
  5. Where is the starting point?
  6. What are the next steps?
  7. What are the skills and attitudes we need to have?
  8. So what does this mean for HR?

Rapporten konkluderer, at Big Data er en stor mulighed for HR – så længe du følger 9 gyldne regler:

  1. Drive your data analytics from the business issue not the data.
  2. Don’t be seduced by the tools and technology; focus on people’s ability to use them to address business issues.
  3. Don’t overinvest in your data initiative; start small and prove the concept.
  4. Join your HR data with your finance, marketing, risk and other data.
  5. Don’t worry too much where your data analytics team sits but make sure they are connecting the data to the business issues and the HR solutions.
  6. How you present the data is as important as the data – insightful, impactful, simple and relevant.
  7. This will change HR so recruit HR people who get it: commercial, action oriented, focused, willing to challenge, agile and curious.
  8. Develop data comfort in the whole HR function.
  9. Data are a tool, not the answer; never lose track of the human element in HR.

Læs hele rapporten her 

Kilde: Henley Business School